Sunday, November 30, 2008

Bad day!

Well I had a bad day today! I didn't get much done for craft show. I was so tired I slept most of the day. I went upstairs and managed to get 1 tree done and almost finish the acrylic calender. I really need to work every night till thursday but after taking caring of grandson all day, I doubt that will happen. I was really hoping on getting alot of things done. I think my sleeping habit is out of control. I went to bed at 6 tonight and now I'm wide awake.
I can't wait till the show on Sat. I love doing this one. It's one of the better ones that I do. I do it with my friend. We make sure we get our spot next to each other.
I'm making alot of things under $5. It's at a school so I'm sure I will sell them.
I'm still working on christmas cards. Need to get them done. I hope I have time to make some for me!

I Got My First Blog Award!

I was so excited this morning! I couldn't sleep so of cause , here I am on my blog. I woke up to a nice surprise. Christina's Creations gave me the award. Thank You Christina!